We consider a quantum quench in which two initially independent condensates are suddenly coupled and study the subsequent “rephasing” dynamics. For weak tunneling couplings, the time evolution of physical observables is predicted to follow universal scaling laws, connecting the short-time …

Universal Rephasing Dynamics after a Quantum Quench via Sudden Coupling of Two Initially Independent Condensates Read more »

Spin–orbit coupling links a particle’s velocity to its quantum-mechanical spin, and is essential in numerous condensed matter phenomena, including topological insulators and Majorana fermions. In solid-state materials, spin–orbit coupling originates from the movement of electrons in a crystal’s intrinsic electric …

Review: Spin-orbit coupling in atomic gases Read more »

We have observed well-defined phase slips between quantized persistent current states around a toroidal atomic (23Na) Bose-Einstein condensate. These phase slips are induced by a weak link (a localized region of reduced superfluid density) rotated slowly around the ring. This …

Driving Phase Slips in a Superfluid Atom Circuit with a Rotating Weak Link Read more »

We present a method for accurate determination of atomic transition matrix elements at the 10-3 level. Measurements of the ac Stark (light) shift around “magic-zero” wavelengths, where the light shift vanishes, provide precise constraints on the matrix elements. We make …

Precision Measurement of Transition Matrix Elements via Light Shift Cancellation Read more »