Equations of state from individual one-dimensional Bose gases

Equations of state from individual one-dimensional Bose gases

We trap individual 1D Bose gases and obtain the associated equation of state by combining calibrated confining potentials with in situ density profiles. Our observations agree well with the exact Yang–Yang 1D thermodynamic solutions under the local density approximation. We find that our final 1D system undergoes inefficient evaporative cooling that decreases the absolute temperature, but monotonically reduces a degeneracy parameter.

Equations of state from individual one-dimensional Bose gases; F. Salces-Carcoba, C. J. Billington, A. Putra, Y. Yue, S. Sugawa, and I. B. Spielman; New Journal of Physics 20 113032 (2018). doi:10.1088/1367-2630/aaef9b
