Lindsay and Ian’s book chapter published: Universal Themes of Bose-Einstein Condensation

The book’s focuses on: Following an explosion of research on Bose–Einstein condensation (BEC) ignited by demonstration of the effect by 2001 Nobel prize winners Cornell, Wieman and Ketterle, this book surveys the field of BEC studies. Written by experts in the field, it focuses on Bose–Einstein condensation as a universal phenomenon, covering topics such as cold atoms, magnetic and optical condensates in solids, liquid helium and field theory. Summarising general theoretical concepts and the research to date – including novel experimental realisations in previously inaccessible systems and their theoretical interpretation – it is an excellent resource for researchers and students in theoretical and experimental physics who wish to learn of the general themes of BEC in different subfields.
Under this umbrella, our chapter focuses on Bose–Einstein condensates in artificial gauge fields.
Bose-Einstein condensates in artificial gauge fields; L. J. LeBlanc and I. B. Spielman; “Universal Themes of Bose-Einstein Condensation”; Chapter 15; pages 299-321; Cambridge University Press (2017).