Third year review rescheduled
Third year review on Dec. 12-13 the atomtronics MURI, and like with last year the review will be a 1.5 day event. Approximate times: starting at 1:00 PM on the 12th, and ending at 5PM on the 13th. The location will be the same as for the past reviews (in the JQI space at UMD, CSS Room 2115, the JQI Conference room). For directions to UMd, click here.
The overall format will look the same as last year, but content will differ slightly. The format will have PI’s giving presentations on the afternoon on the 12th and students, postdocs, and guests talking on the 13th.
Atomtronics MURI review III
2115 CSS Building
JQI Conference Room
1:00 PM Introductory remarks [Baker, government panel]
1:10 PM MURI Overview [Spielman]
1:15 PM Cascadable gates / Fermions. We realized 1D solitons in a unitary atomic Fermi gas. [Zwierlein, Chuang]
1:45 PM Devices far from equilibrium I. In the past year, we began experiments on a double-well lattice to create and study meta-stable AF order in Bose systems. [Porto Postdoc (R. Wyllie), Zwierlein]
2:15 PM Interfacing to optoelectronics. Atomtronic devices and circuits must interact with conventional circuitry. We assembled a fiber pulling system based on high-precision computer controlled translation stages and have demonstrated pulled fibers with near unit transmission and developed techniques for coupling between different fiber modes. [Rolston]
2:45 PM Cold-atom closed circuits. Using a rotating weak-link junction in a toroidal Bose-Einstein Condensate we have created an atomtronic circuit which behaves the same as an RF SQUIDS in applied magnetic fields, where at critical magnetic fields a phase slip occurs transferring the superconductor to a different current state. [Campbell, Phillips, Clark]
3:15 PM Coffee Break
3:30 PM Spintronics with atoms. The spin of ultracold atoms provides much greater flexibility than is the case for electrons: atoms can have many more than two internal “spin” states, and the coupling between different spin states is under experimental control. [Das Sarma / Galitski Postdoc (K. Kechedzhi), Clark, Quraishi, Spielman]
4:45 PM Ultracold spin-orbit coupled matter. Ultracold bosons with spin-orbit coupling assemble themselves into exotic quantum crystals and classical crystals. [Demler Postdoc (S. Gopalakrishnan)
5:15 PM Day 1 Closing [Spielman]
5:20 PM Government Caucus [private]
5:25 PM Discussion with team [Government, MURI team]
9:00 PM Opening [Baker, Spielman]
9:05 AM Interfacing to optoelectronics. Atomtronic devices and circuits must interact with conventional circuitry. We assembled a fiber pulling system based on high-precision computer controlled translation stages and have demonstrated pulled fibers with near unit transmission and developed techniques for coupling between different fiber modes. [Rolston group (J. Lee and J. Hoffman)]
9:50 AM Invited guest. Title TBD: [V. Scarola]
10:35 AM Coffee Break
10:50 AM Devices far from equilibrium. Conventional electronic circuits relax rapidly due to strong coupling to a thermal environment; in contrast, atomic systems can be prepared far from thermal equilibrium with little coupling to the environment. In the past year we developed techniques to create and study meta-stable AF order in Bose systems. [Demler group (K. Agarwal), Porto group (S. Koller]
12:20 PM Lunch and discussion
1:15 PM Cascadable gates / Fermions. We have observed solitons in a unitary Fermi gas, an aspect of dynamics in many classes of ultracold atomic materials. [Zwierlein group]
2:00 PM Spintronics with atoms. We have recently observed spin-orbit coupling in a three-level system, going beyond the usual paradigm of SOC in electronic systems. [Spielman group (S. Sugawa, 3-state team), Clark group (B. Anderson), Galitski group / Das Sarma group (J. Radic), Quraishi group (P. Kunz)]
4:15 PM Coffee Break
4:30 PM Cold-atom closed circuits. Using a rotating weak-link junction in a toroidal Bose-Einstein Condensate we have created an atomtronic circuit which behaves the same as an RF SQUIDS in applied magnetic fields, where at critical magnetic fields a phase slip occurs transferring the superconductor to a different current state. [Campbell group (S. Eckel)]
5:15 PM Day 2 Closing [Spielman, Baker]
5:20 PM Meeting with team if required